Product thumbnail

Product thumbnail

light catcher spotlight lighteners
1 light catcher LEVEL 8 17.64 oz
1 light catcher LEVEL 7 Freehand 14.11 oz
1 light catcher LEVEL 9 17.64 oz
1 light catcher black cream 8.82 oz
1 light catcher clear lights 8.82 oz
FREE products
3 oxidizing emulsion 33.8 oz
5 light catcher fast toning*
1 light catcher brochure
*one of each shade
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1 light catcher LEVEL 8 17.64 oz
1 light catcher LEVEL 7 Freehand 14.11 oz
1 light catcher LEVEL 9 17.64 oz
1 light catcher black cream 8.82 oz
1 light catcher clear lights 8.82 oz
FREE products
3 oxidizing emulsion 32.1 oz
5 light catcher fast toning*
1 light catcher brochure
*one of each shade